Disaster Recovery and Emergency Response

Disaster Recovery Planning

Every business needs a disaster recovery plan, and a business continuity plan.  Some have it, others are insufficient to effectively support restoration operations in the event of a crisis.  With our experience creating plans for some of the country's largest companies, we can ensure that your DR and BCP plan have the elements and documentation needed to become a communications and tactical tool to facilitate restoration and reconstitution of service in the event of a disaster.

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Emergency Response

Disasters and emergencies happen.  Sometimes a business is prepared, sometimes a company has no plan of action to restore services in the wake of malware attacks, hurricanes, or other disaster scenarios.   Cadence Technology Solutions can provide the expertise to triage the situation, create an emergency restoration plan, and bring resources to the table that can supplement your IT team to get your business back online rapidly.  We can also assist with documentation necessary to file an insurance claim for assets and services used in restoration activities.

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